Ski-touring holiday 25-29 february 2020

4 days of fabulous snow with a wonderful group of skiers from UK (Georgia Dessain group -

Latest comments

08.08 | 15:07

Good evening Doru,

I hope you are keeping well.

I have been given your email by a good friend of mine who I believe you know, Octavia Carr? She has highly recommended you and your beautiful hotel

26.05 | 09:31

Buna ziua, multumim pentru solicitare dar nu mai facem cazare in cele 3 camere din mansarda. Facem doar activitatile de agrement. Cazare vom face doar dupa ce va fi gata noua pensiune (in constructie)

19.05 | 10:53

Bună ziua,
Exista disponibilitate pentru perioada 29.05-01.06.2021, toate camerele?

24.09 | 09:18

Buna ziua, multumim pt solicitare dar anul acesta nu facem cazari (avem santier). Va asteptam cu drag anul viitor.

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